
Talo tavallinen,
kertoo vaurauden tai köyhyyden,
kätkee sisällensä salaisuuden.

Talo kunnaalla seisten,
sateessa tai paisteessa valon,
arvokkaasti hoitaa tehtävää talon.

Talo tuossa tyhjillensä jäänyt,
ihmisten muistiin onkin päätynyt,
tuossa asuivat ihmiset auliit ja ihanat.

Sitoutumaton Oulu

I was born in Hyvinkää, Southern Finland, June 12th 1956. I have done my life’s work as an entrepreneur in the construction business. Now I am a free lord and write poems and blogs for fun. My hobbies also include oil painting, and during the last few weeks watercolors have got a hold of me.
I have written palindromes and created poems in Kalevala meter, which is a loose trochaic tetrameter used in the Finnish national epic Kalevala. I have also done haiku in palindrome. I cannot really say which interests me the most: painting, poetry or outings with the dogs. Writing has always been a big part of my life, and I write a blog in a Finnish online newspaper Uusi Suomi.

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